Licence Reference No. 19/16098/ANIMAL

Dog grooming in Tibshelf

Whether your dog is a long haired lap dog or a busy short haired working dog come to K9Cuts in Tibshelf for all kinds of dog grooming needs.

Dog grooming services

At K9Cuts, we offer a wide range of grooming services for your dog.

All grooming services are performed by a trained specialist. We use the best of the shampoos and products for grooming. However, if you have any specific brands you would prefer us to use, please provide them.
K9Cuts grooming services include: Bath, Blast Dry, Hair Dry, Brush-Out, Clip, Nail Trim and Special Spray to finish

K9Cuts prices from:

K9cuts service:
Short coated breeds: £22
Small breeds: £27
Medium sized breeds: £30

General grooming:
Nail trim from £5
Brush-outs from £10
Micro-chipping £12